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Business Mentor Tip: Pros and Cons of Making Your Own YouTube Videos


Are you one of the millions of internet users who enjoy watching free videos on YouTube? If you are, the thought of creating your own YouTube video may have crossed your mind; has it? If so, you may be wondering whether or not you should make your own YouTube video and then upload it to […]

Business Mentor Tip – Monetize Your Business With Facebook


Internet marketing is now considered to be essential in the business world. With it, you will be able to get more clients and significantly let your business grow without spending too much money. Internet marketing is a new breed of marketing. It is very different from marketing on the real world and for most people, […]

Business Mentor Tip – Personal Branding for Success

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One important part of branding is the image you yourself portray. Developing a likeable personal brand is essential for succeeding. If you want to rise to the top of your particular arena, you need to first be able to sell yourself to your potential customers. Think about it. Would you rather do business with a […]