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Business Mentor Tip – How to Effectively Network

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So one of the things that I know that people struggle with when they are looking to generate more business is networking. I have really generated some amazing clients through my networking efforts. How about you? If you haven’t, then 9 times out of 10 I know where the gap is. For instance, what I’ve […]

Business Mentor Tip – 5 Keys to Skyrocket Your Sales

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There are 5 keys that you need to unlock the doors to unlimited sales. Watch video 1 of 5 part series and learn why having a clearly defined mission is the #1 critical business strategy you must have for business growth and expansion.

Business Mentor Tip – Authenticity is Your New Currency!


Social media is such a hot topic lately and there is so much buzz around how to truly capitalize and monetize this new marketing medium.  Why is Facebook such a phenomenal?  With over 500 million active users it is demonstrating our need to be part of a community.  Think about it for one moment.  The […]

Business Mentor Tip: Are You Busy or Productive?

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Many Solopreneurs mistake busyness with productivity. I can not tell you how many times I have worked from sun up and sun down and at the end of the day wonder what happen? What did I actually accomplish? Or I may have a to-do list with 20+ items on it and I begin my day […]