There are around 83.1 million millennials all over the world. The bulk of this are working millennials and businesses all over the place is trying to figure how to go about managing millennials in the workplace. Especially since work from home is becoming more and more popular—possibly from the influx of new Millennials in the workplace according to Relate by Zendesk. WFH (work from home) is one of the better millennial trends that continues to boom as time passes and it proves that if you give what millennials want from work then you gain loyal and hardworking employees.
Millennials have always been immersed in the digital world, but some studies show that they still follow many of the traditions of their elders. They value being approached for a job and having long-term job security but won’t hesitate to leave a job that is uninspiring. Entrepreneur reports that while conventional values are important to them when it comes to work and life, they also embrace everything mobile and cloud-based. This is why WFH is the trend among millennials at work today and why it will continue to boom in the next few years.
Understanding why working from home is the best bet of millennials makes understanding millennials in the workplace easier. According to Forbes, the generation who works harder for less money than Boomers now needs to juggle the responsibilities of gainful employment as well as leading their households. One ever-more-popular solution for reclaiming a few hours throughout the week is working from home. The same article continues to expound that working from home is 80% more popular today and is key to maintaining work-life balance in the millennials eyes.
Working in the digital age makes millennials the best employees in a business. This demographic may spend 54 percent of their digital screen time on their smartphones, but they also spend 27 percent on their tablets and 18 percent on their computers discloses Millennial Marketing. This means when millennials work, they prefer being online instead of in an office from 9 to 5. All they’d need is a laptop and internet connection and they can easily carry out the task an office goer does in the same amount of time or sometimes less. But there are still some ups and downs when millennials WFH and here are some of them:
- Increased productivity – there is less distraction in working at home and less chance of taking sick days.
- Work-life balance – working at home, millennials can work as much as they want when they want and take breaks that benefit their mind and body so they can recharge and work fresh.
- Time and money saver – no need to commute or gas up the car, no need to wait in traffic or be stuck in the office waiting for a meeting that only gets canceled.
- Fluctuating schedule – teleworkers have different workloads and different work times that may sometimes be a headache to deal with.
- Isolation – there is less supervision and less personal interaction that may lead to a millennial being isolated from his/her team.
- The decline of grooming habits – there is a big chance of going straight to work after rolling after bed and staying in pajamas all day without bathing. Ick.
Millennials in the workplace are easy to deal with as long as companies keep in mind that they prefer doing everything digitally but traditionally. Forbes reminds us that this trend is good for employees because it frees up time in their schedule to look after family — or just themselves, frankly — and it’s good for employers because shifting some of your workers to WFH status saves money in the form of fewer expenses and overhead. Going digital at work is an amazing trend boosted by the millennials and shows no sign of disappearing. It the new norm for the working public and increases the nation’s innovation and creativity on the job.