
Business Strategy Planning: Step 4 – The Gap Analysis

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WooHoo!!! You have made it to the half-way mark of my 7 steps Business Strategy Plan…well done! This step is going to require that you get familiar with what is known as THE GAP ANALYSIS

You may be asking what is a Gap Analysis?  Simply stated it is a tool that I used to capture where you are and where you want to go.  Its also invaluable for you as the CEO of your business to get crystal clear about your NUMBERS, resources and time.  

And whenever I have done this exercise with clients or at my live event…I will say that the MAJORITY of the audiences doesn’t have a clue what their numbers are and this exercise becomes very eye-opening for them (and I have no doubt for you too!)

Click Here to DOWNLOAD The Gap Analysis

I suggest giving yourself a minimum of 3 hours to really assess your numbers. On our next session, this is where the rubber meets the road and we will be crafting your Marketing Strategy Plan

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